Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Riddle Me This: Where Did Sally's Lunch Go?

One morning, a parent takes out lunchboxes out of the refrigerator for her children to take to school. Each rectangular lunchbox has a larger compartment and a smaller compartment. On this particular morning, a sandwich is in the larger compartment, and fresh strawberries (which are cut-up) and blueberries are in the smaller compartment. Cut-up honeydew is in the separate compartment, but that is not part of the puzzle; so, we shall not mention the separate (which appears purple in the photograph below) compartment again. After making sure the lids are securely fastened on to each container, the parent, let us call her 'Mama', places the children's containers into each of the two children's lunch bags, which are resting on the kitchen table.

Mama steps away from the kitchen for approximately 20 minutes, while the children - whom we shall call 'Sally' and 'Indigo' - are supposed to be getting ready for school. They have to get dressed, go to the bathroom, brush their hair, put their snacks, water bottles, and lunches into their own backpacks, and set their backpacks and jackets by the door. On this particular morning, they are also rushing to get some writing done before breakfast.

Mama has finished getting ready for the day and hears commotion from the girls. She finds out that most of the sandwich (the sandwich meat, cheese, and most of the white on the bread) and all of the strawberries and blueberries are gone from the 8 1/2 year old's (Sally's) lunch bag, which is still sitting on the kitchen table.

Nothing has been eaten or taken out of the 7 year old's (Indigo's) lunch bag. And, Indigo has already placed her lunch bag inside her backpack and put the backpack by the door.


Sally is upset that her lunch is gone. She adamantly claims that she had nothing to do with the disappearance of her lunch.

Indigo also insists she (Indigo) did not touch her sister's lunch.

There is no way the family pets: one kitten (who is nearly a cat) and one young cat, could have opened the lid and eaten the contents. Take this as a given (fact).


Sally, on occasion, has been known to tell only a part of the truth (leaving out vital parts of the story) or flat out lie. However, regarding food, Sally is usually honest.

Indigo has, on a few occasions, secretly eaten food in the kitchen without permission and lied about not eating the missing food and blaming the missing food on the cats or claiming ignorance. In those circumstances, there was evidence that Indigo had, in fact, eaten certain foods in question. For these reasons, Indigo has been told that she is not supposed to go to the kitchen unattended.

Also important to note is that from time to time, Indigo might say something about someone that is not necessarily true. Whether this is intentional or not is not known. Sally has also been known to say something that does not reflect the truth, though not intentionally.

Uncertain who ate the lunch, Sally or Indigo, and who is lying, Mama decides to smell the breath of each child. Indigo's breath does not smell like anything in particular but stinks of morning breath. Sally's breath smells like berries.

Seems like the answer is obvious.

When Mama confronts Sally, Sally's reaction was so strong and she was quite offended. She said something to the effect of, "My head does not usually feel this uncomfortable or my stomach this unsettled after I have eaten. Explain that."

With the Mama's severe allergies and the fact that olfactory senses have been limited, there is the possibility that her sense of smell could have misled her. So, Mama asks Indigo to smell Sally's breath."

Indigo claims Sally's breath smells like blueberries. With the concern that Indigo sometimes lies or does not tell the truth, Mama asks to smell both of the girls' breaths yet again. This time Mama asks each child to blow in her (Mama's) face. Same results - Indigo's breath does not smell aromatic but does not smell of anything in particular. With much resistance and protest, Sally finally blows her breath onto Mama's face. Still smells like berries.

Sally is angry and frustrated that she is allegedly being blamed for something she did not do.

What happened to Sally's lunch? What would you (putting yourself in the position of Mama) do in this situation?

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