Friday, October 31, 2014

Why Blog? Blogging with Purpose

For 6+ years, blogging was a part of my routine, inasmuch as eating or sleeping was concerned. Not quite that much, but close enough. My blogging was born out of keeping friends and family up to date; and trading information, educating, encouraging others.

Then something life-changing occurred. Call the 'something' spanning an elongated period of time. This something turned my life upside down, inside out, into dizzy craziness. Being vulnerable and completely transparent was difficult.

So, I went off the blogging grid.


The desire to blog did not extinguish. But, the purpose became muddled, and my desire for privacy and the space to process intensified.

Well, I am back. With some modifications.

The intent really has not changed all that much. Transparency and keeping it real are still important to me; sharing experiences, whether painful and gut-wrenching or beautiful and refreshing, are important not to hide. That is crucial to healing as well as relationship building.


My hope is to play some facilitating or helping role in healing or relationship building.